March 20, 2009

When Did I Become Such a Girl????

Two of my friends got engaged last night and I'm super excited for them!!! Since they met, they have been super cute and they are just really great for each other and she was so surprised because she didn't have any idea it was coming (just for the record I was completely shocked as well because it's not something I even knew he was planning)!!! They are talking about getting married in August, which is a TINY bit crazy since it's only 5 months from now, but if anyone can pull it off, she can!!!

This whole situation may be a little less exciting for the Boy. Not that he is not excited for them, but what's a little unfortunate for him is that all it does it make me want to be engaged more. I know that we haven't even been together for a year, but I have never been so sure about someone and this is the first time that I have ever wanted to be sure that we are both in it forever. I don't doubt that he is committed to me and to "us"... I know he is and I believe him more than I have ever believed anyone... and it's hard to explain why this has (kind of suddenly) become something that's so important to me.

He has had a lot of "firsts" with other girlfriends and it's becoming hard for me to not be able to find something that's not engagement that is something new that we can experience together. There are a few things that are new to one of us and not the other... and I know that every new thing we do is new to us, but it's not the same. There's nothing about our relationship that is special to me and I have never felt like I am not special to him, so it's not even a need to feel special because I do... like I said... it's hard to explain.

I have never had a boyfriend like him. I've never been with someone and been able to feel confident in my thoughts (and my statements to others) that I'm going to marry him... and I don't hesitate to think and say that about the Boy. I have never had a boyfriend who I communicate so well with and who I really enjoy talking to about everything... even when we don't agree. Although there have been a few times that feelings have been hurt over miscommunications or differences of opinions, both of us have the desire to fix things before they go farther than they should. Neither of us have any problem saying that we are sorry, and we have never REALLY fought about anything... it's just not how we do things. I have never met a guy who sets such high expectations for himself as a boyfriend. He feels bad when he doesn't get the chance to plan a special day or night out for us, even though he and I go out and spend time with each other regularly. He makes a big deal out of Birthdays and "gift giving" holidays and puts a lot of thought into everything he does for me... even if it's something small. He appreciates the things I do for him and he is the most thoughtful person I have ever met. He tells me that he loves doing things for me and the fact that I take notice and that I am thankful for those things makes him want to do them even more. I have never had someone who asks me if I need everything whenever he gets up off the couch and I have never had someone who is so good at making me feel special... he is just amazing!!!

Seriously... who wouldn't want to know that they are going to get to hang on to someone as great as him???? Until I met him, I would roll my eyes and I was very skeptical of those people who say things like, "when it's right, you just know it" or "when you find him, you'll just know". I actually believe that now and I know that I'm lucky to feel that way. I can be myself around him... I love him exactly how he is... and for the first time EVER there is absolutely nothing about him that I wish was different, and there's nothing about the way he treats me that I would like to change. He is perfect for me as is and I have never experienced that before.

Like I said before, and I guess this is something I worry about, I know that I'm special to him and he reminds me of that all the time... I just want to find a way to make our relationship something that is new, or different, or unique, or significant and with his level of life experience I haven't been able think of anything yet, other than engagement. I don't feel like I've ever been in a hurry to be engaged or married... but apparently it's a weakness that comes with the perfect boyfriend :-D

I love spring break... especially this year. Since July 4 is on a Saturday, we got an extra day off for spring break this year, which means a 4 day weekend. I am LOVING it and I still have two more days off. AND THEN, only one more week of work before I go to Charlotte for NIRSA which may be followed by a trip to St. Louis for the Women's Final Four (GO TERPS!!!) and then only a couple more weeks until my vacation to Mexico.

April is going to be expensive but VERY FUN!!!!

Enough rambling... and I feel like that's pretty much all I did tonight. Time to sleep!!!

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