April 8, 2010

What a Weekend!!!

I know I made a list of “things to come”, but before I can do that, I need to create a point of reference on how quickly this all happened. Looking back on the 5 days we spent in Fort Wayne, I’m pretty impressed with everything that we accomplished.

All you have to do is look at our itinerary… yes… we made an itinerary. You have to plan down to the minute when you are planning to interview 4 photographers, visit 4 reception/rehearsal dinner locations, try on dresses at 3 different places AND find time to eat and go to church on Easter Sunday.
We arrived on Thursday and didn’t schedule anything so that our parents could meet and spend some time getting to know each other. We also had the chance to talk to our parents about everything that we had found during our research and presented them with the following schedule for the weekend:

9:00am Goeglein’s Reception Hall
10:30am Catie’s Captures - Photographer
1:00pm Ceruti's – Woman’s Club & Bergstaff Reception Halls
3:00pm Allen County War Memorial Coliseum Ballroom
5:30pm Photography #2
7:15pm Dinner – Grandma’s House

9:00am Photographer #3
10:30am Photographer #4
Noon - LUNCH
1:00pm Wedding Place - Lexi
1:30pm Parkview Field (Possible Rehearsal Dinner) – J
3:00pm Wendy’s Bridal - Lexi
5:00pm David’s Bridal - Lexi
7:00pm Dinner – Casa Grille


Noon Leave for Airport

We did a decent job of planning. Only a few things changed. We cancelled the appointments with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th photographers (more info on this later) so we finished up a little early on Friday and I was able to move the first dress store to 11 am and go see Parkview Field with J. Even better on Saturday, most of the appointments took less time than we had planned so we were able to shorten the day and eat dinner earlier, which was good because I was STARVING!

We got to enjoy a really nice Easter with part of my mom’s side of the family and just relax. Monday looked like an easy day, but it too started early and included a lot of signatures and check writing… again, more info to come in one of those.

The moral of the story is, we got A LOT done and can proceed with a lot of other things now that we have a date booked. If you haven’t noticed above this post, there’s a countdown to the date… only 448 days until our wedding on July 2, 2011!!!

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