February 13, 2010

Bachelorette Party

I know I've talked before about my Indiana shower, but I don't think I've talked yet about the bachelorette party that is a part of the weekend of fun in May.

Once again, I'm leaving the planning up to my fantastic MOH... who fantastic does not even BEGIN to describe.

She told me that she went to a bachelorette party for another one of her friends at a casino in Michigan City.  It's called Blue Chip Casino and apparently it has an AMAZING spa.

Since my bridesmaids are from all over the country, the MOH thought it would be great to go somewhere that everyone could get to easily.  She also thought it would be a great chance to have a shower with family in Indiana.  SO, Blue Chip it is!  We are planning on Memorial Day weekend so that hopefully no one has to take time off from work/school.

We don't have a final schedule worked out, but I'm sure it will be TONS of fun!!!

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