February 24, 2010

The Itinerary

On April 1, I will get on a plane and fly to Indiana for 3 days of crazy busy, planned to the minute wedding planning.  So far, we have just been trying to figure out our schedule.  J made us an itinerary and I have been filling it in like MAD!  We didn't actually realize that we would be traveling on Easter weekend when we booked our tickets, so there's a good chance that Sunday will accomplish 0% as far as the planning/shopping/interviewing goes, but one day off won't be so bad  :-D

During our time there, we are planning on visiting 4 reception locations and interview 4 photographers, and I will be visiting 4 dress shops and J will be checking out some church and rehersal dinner locations.  All of this will happen in a matter of less than 72 hours!!!

A few updates...

The Church
We have found some... um... let's go with interesting things that have come up with the church where we originally hoped to get married.  As I mentioned in my last blog, this is the church that my Grandmother has been a member for... well, forever.  This is the church where my parents got married and where I was baptized.  When I say that this is "the church" that all of these things happened in, I mean that the name of the parish is the same, and there are probably some other similarities.

The building is not the same one... the church where my parents were married and where I was baptized burned down in 1993.  They have rebuilt and although it does not quite compare to the beauty of the old chuch, it has it's own charm and beauty.

The priest is not the same.  I was baptized by the priest who married my parents, and he was at St. Mary's for a very long time.  Sadly, he passed away in 2004 after 30 years at St. Mary's, and it's just not the same.  I can't say for sure that their policies would be significantly different if it was the "old" St. Mary's, but I also can't say that they wouldn't.

- We are currently looking at close to $1,000 to use the church... that's a HUGE chunk of our budget.
- They will only allow us 3 hours at the church for set up, guest arrival, ceremony, guest departure, pictures and clean up.
- They do not want any children in the wedding party - which I have never heard of before.
- There is no where that J and his groomsman can get ready/hang out before the ceremony so they better be ready to go and not come too early.

Unfortunately we have not found an alternative yet.  There is a Deaconess (I'm not actually sure what her religion is) who performed my Grandfather's funeral service.  She was amazing and took great care in getting to know not only him, but also our family.  Unfortunately, she is not currently licensed to do weddings.

So I guess we can leave this section classified as: TBD

When you have cool invitations that great, but I don't actually know the last time that I saved someone's wedding invitation because it was THAT cool.  What that means for us... SAVE MONEY!!!  We found a couple of fairly inexpensive options (less than $1 each) that we print ourselves, but non of them were anything special.

We were at Target last weekend and found these really fun invitations that fit our criteria of under $1 each, and they were more interesting that the ones we had found online up to that point.  So, we bought them.  They are not exactly one of our wedding colors, but what the hell... we will make it one of our wedding colors  :-D

They are kind of a bronze-brown color with cool flaps and pockets, and I think that all it should take us is a little bit of ribbon to pull it in to our color scheme.  So here, they are... a sneak peek...

One More Thing I Found...

When you are 1,000 miles away and there's a lot of "hurry up and wait" involved in your wedding, it gives you a really great opportunity to Google.  I must say... Google Images are the best, especially when I just want visual ideas and I don't want to have to read about whatever it is that I'm looking at.  I actually found this one on The Knot, and I don't remember the context, but this is a new idea that we have that you may just see on our wedding day!!!


That's all I've got for now... if you are reading my blog, I would love to know!!  You can be a follower of my blog if you click on the button to the right and that will let me know who's reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. I found your link via The Knot's website and now have started reading your blog from the beginning: start to finish. I find your planning comments very helpful and it's given me some inspiration.
